#1 Resource Requirements Parameters
topThe Resource Requirements Parameters can be opened through the following path Home -> Parameters -> Production -> Material Requirements Parameters. By the means of this window all the parameters that regard some of the basic settings of the Production area are set.
First of all, it is possible to decide which day of the week should be considered as the first one in the Productive Capacities calendar as well as in the Working center calendar. Usually it is set on Monday.
Immediately below it is possible to view the progressive number used for the planned orders in the current year.
The “Release authorized PD” flag, makes the PDs generated by the release of the planned purchase orders, have the “Authorized” flag automatically active. Otherwise, the user that has to generate purchase orders from PD is forced to “authorize” all the line of the Purchasing request before generating an order from it. However, it is possible to authorize just some of the PD lines and to generate purchase orders starting from the authorized lines.
The flag “Simplified Management of the Production”: it can activate the consequent flag “Release Executive Production Orders”; if active, it makes the production orders, generated by the means of the planned production orders release, are created with the “Executive” status and thus they do not need a further release procedure.
The “Show Orders tree” flag, shows a tree diagram that connects the elements of a production job order according to the links among the BOMs involved in the scheduling of that job order. These elements are shown at the bottom of the “Planned Orders Search” mask.
Through the Background Colors section it is possible to set the background colors for the different order typologies: purchase, production or subcontracting while in the Font color section it is possible to set the font color for the different order typologies: in delay and/or expired.
Through the “Mantain link between orders of a job order” flag, the user can decide, even by using the immediately subsequent flags, that in case that the date of a planned order is manually edited, the procedure edits planned orders immediately subsequent to the one that was initially edited.
The grid that shows the “Warehouses Scheduling orders” it is the simple visualization of the list of the warehouses whose availabilities has to be checked. This list is set in the mask called “Calculate availability” that is among the Utilities of the Management Software.
In the “Parameters for planned orders release” the user can set the type of purchase request and the subcontracting order type that have to be automatically generated while releasing planned orders, respectively of purchase and subcontracting.
In the “Parameters for export on Project”, in case that the user has the necessity to export production orders Gannt on the “Microsoft Project” application, it is possible to set the parameters.
Hereinafter the list of actions that can be performed through the RIBBON BAR:
BuildDate : 29 maggio 2013